“Your word can create the most beautiful dream, or your word can destroy everything around you” - Don Miguel Ruiz, author of ‘The 4 Agreements’
I often have to remind myself of this. And truthfully, no bullshit, when I am actively and consciously monitoring my word, I feel the most joyful, at peace, confident etc etc etc. The list goes on for the amount of positive attributes being impeccable with your word will bring you.
DISCLAIMER: My writings are a reflection of what has helped me overcome MY personal hardships. I do not expect anyone to use my practices, I cannot guarantee what works for me will work for you. With that being said, I hope my writings can bring a sliver of value to your life. My ultimate goal is to help, and that is always in the back of my head when I write.
What does being impeccable with your word truly mean?
What I have gathered from the writings of Ruiz is that being impeccable with your word manifests into all parts of your life. It means to be 100% honest with yourself and your environment, and to use it for good.
What I find most important to understand is that it truly is a double edge sword. Used correctly, your word can bring you so much light during darkness. Used incorrectly, your word can sabotage you and everything around you, creating a living hell on earth.
Let me give an example: Let's say Person A and Person B are put in the exact same position under the exact same circumstances. Person A is impeccable with their word; they use it positively and honestly. They consciously choose to see the light in life and honor the light. Person B is NOT impeccable with their word; they use it negatively and are dishonest with it. They consciously choose to see the darkness in life and believe it to be true.
Let's say Person A and Person B both have to lose 5 pounds - (seems to be a relatively easy example to explain, but this can be applied to anything)
Person A chooses to use their word to their advantage, and chooses to honor what they say. They tell themselves they CAN and WILL do it. They say they will run 1 mile everyday for a week, and they actually do it. They honor what they say. They are impeccable with their word. Next thing you know, they continue honoring their word and they lose 10 pounds.
Person B chooses to use their word against themselves. They tell themselves that losing 5 pounds is not easy and it won’t be fun. They dread having to run 1 mile everyday for a week. When it comes time to run, they tell themselves they are too tired and they will skip it until tomorrow. They use their word for self sabotage. They do not honor their word. They let their word control them in a negative way. Next thing you know, they continue to dishonor their word and instead of losing 5 pounds, they gained 5 pounds.
Person A and Person B are exactly the same, with one difference. Person A honored their word and chose to use it for good and was positive through their word. Person B dishonored their word and let it negatively affect their decision making.
Person A is now more confident and in control of their life and their decision making. They CHOOSE to honor their word. They CHOOSE to focus on the light in life. What they project through their word is exactly what they receive.
Person B is now weaker and less in control of their life. They let their word project negativity and self sabotage. They CHOOSE to not honor their commitments to themselves. They CHOOSE to focus on the negativity in their situations.
Moral of the story is, in the example of running 1 mile everyday for 1 week, any person faced with that challenge has the choice to use their word to their advantage, or to use their word to kill any chance they had at losing 5 pounds.
Now I know that it is impossible to be impeccable with your word 24/7/365. I fuck up EVERY single day. However, it is always in the back of my mind. It is almost like a filter that monitors what I say and makes sure that I am projecting the energy and the word that will benefit myself and my environment.
Thank you all for reading - I could write for hours about this but I have to go to work.
Y’all are the best and I love you and am grateful that you took time out of your day to read this.
Small announcement again: Check out the clothing available on the SHOP page and consider repping some Lonely Cowboy gear if you can afford to. All of our sales help further the goals and dreams we have as a company to push the conversation forward regarding mental health education. I would love to offer a few scholarships again this year, however we need to make money first. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to offer scholarships at this moment.
Have the best day ever and maybe try to use your word to your advantage today
Much Love